
Born in 1986, in Istanbul, Erdönmez completed her undergraduate education in Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University State Conservatory Theater Department, then proceeded to complete her graduate studies on dramaturgy in the Social Sciences Department of the same university. She went before the cameras with a movie called “Gözetleme Kulesi” (The Watchtower) and received various awards for her role in the said movie including Adana Golden Boll, Nürnberg Film Festival, Brasilia Film Festival, Sadri Alışık, Texas Film Expo. In addition to the TV shows "Bir Zamanlar Osmanlı Kıyam" (Once Upon A Time Ottoman Empire: Mutiny), "Sevdaluk" (Falling In Love), "İstanbullu Gelin" (The Bride from Istanbul), "Tehlikeli Karım" (My Dangerous Wife), movies such as "Bütün Saadetler Mümkündür" (All The Happiness May Come True), "Mezarcı" (The Gravedigger), "Kapı" (The Door) are among the productions she has taken part in. Since 2006,  having been acting in many plays including "Gözlerimi Kaparım Vazifemi Yaparım" (I Will Shut My Eyes and Get the Deed Done), "Fareler ve İnsanlar” (Of Mice and Men), lastly she took part in ba-tiyatro’s solo project “Hafızasını Kaybeden Müzeden Bir Traktöre Mektuplar” and “Julie” premiered in 2018. She continues to instruct in Acting and Diction/ Elocution classes since 2010.